Dermal Filler and Volume Restoration Post Care Instructions

What Should I Expect?

You may be feeling some numbness in treated areas, as there is anaesthetic in the filler gels that we use, so even if no topical anaesthesia was used, you may feel numb for about an hour after your procedure. Avoid hot food or liquids until normal sensation returns to the lips.

In general, there can be mild soreness following filler treatment, sometimes exacerbated by facial movements like smiling, or chewing. It is common for this to last for several days.

When fillers are placed under the skin, it is normal to experience temporary swelling.  Sometimes this is very subtle and hardly noticeable while at other times, may be more obvious. This usually lasts several days but can rarely last for several weeks. The eyes and lips may demonstrate more significant swelling, although swelling can be found in any treated area. If swelling is more severe, you can use an extra pillow under your head when sleeping or take over the counter antihistamines to help.

Rarely, there can be delayed swelling that can occur in treated areas, weeks or months later, sometimes related to a cold or viral infection. This is self-limited and usually goes away on its own.

Please let us know if severe or delayed swelling occurs.

Bruising is a common side effect, which may appear immediately or after a day or two. This is normal and will resolve on its own, usually within a week. You can use makeup to cover them up starting 24 hours after your treatment, and you can apply warm compresses after 48 hours to help break up the bruises.

Although the effects of filler are visible immediately, it takes a few weeks for the filler treatment to fully “settle,” so we usually wait four weeks to assess the results.

Is there anything that I should do today?

The injected filler is soft and mouldable for a few days after treatment, so it is important not to manipulate the areas right after treatment, as we are specific with our placement of product. Avoid facial massages or activities that can put unwanted pressure on the face for 5 days.

If possible, we suggest that you sleep on your back during this time, and if a side sleeper, make sure that the head is resting on a soft pillow, and not your hand or fist.

Refrain from vigorous activities for the next couple of days, particularly if there is bruising. Try not to do any heavy lifting, or straining as this increases the pressure in the veins and can risk delayed bruising. If placing a dish in the dishwasher, bend at the knees, not the waist, to minimize increased central pressure.

We strongly recommend that you avoid applying makeup today. Makeup is not sterile and it takes about 24 hours for the skin surface to recover from the treatment. Feel free to apply makeup tomorrow.

For mild soreness or headache, you take medications such as Tylenol. Avoid blood thinning analgesics like Advil or aspirin.

Make sure you consider post treatment skin care and sunscreen SPF 40-60 daily to maximize the results of your treatment.

What are some uncommon side effects?

Numbness or “pins and needles” of treated areas has been reported post treatment. Nerves found beneath the skin can be irritated by injections. Again, this is uncommon but can last days to weeks.

If you notice unevenness, bumps, or any asymmetry developing, please let us know as these situations are easily corrected.

An extremely rare, but serious side effect (risk estimated to be 0.015%) can be seen when blood vessels are accidentally blocked by filler material. This can present as extreme pain at the time of injection, or later that day, often accompanied by mottling of the skin which can become pale, red, or purple. Another serious side effect would be any change to your vision. If you are experiencing these side effects, please call the clinic or one of the Physicians immediately. It is crucial that if this occurs, that this is dealt with immediately, to dissolve the filler, and restore normal circulation.  Again, this is exceedingly rare and with high level knowledge of facial anatomy, the use of dissolving agent and tools such as ultrasound, we are equipped to try and reverse the situation should it occur.