Micro Needling Post Care Instructions
What to expect after the treatment
You may not experience any side effects post treatment, however, it is not unusual to experience the following post treatment:
- Redness, stinging or itching for 3-4 days, rarely longer
- Dryness
- Temporary acne breakout
- Bruising
- Pintpoint bleeding
Please notify the clinic should you experience any irritation, pigmentation, crusting, or severe discomfort.
How to care for the area post treatment
- Keep hydrated with Hydrating B5 Gel for 2-3 days and follow the post care protocol outlined by your treatment provider.
- Avoid direct sun exposure for 7-14 days.
- Apply SPF 45 or high on a daily basis starting on day 2.
- Avoid retinoid or other exfoliants for 5-7 days pre and post procedure.
- Avoid waxing, threading or depilatories for 7 days.
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours.
To achieve optimal treatment benefits treatment should be repeated every 8-12 weeks or as advised by your treatment provider. Treatments are enhanced by appropriate medical grade skin care.
**Patients with a history of herpes simplex (cold sores) may experience a flare up of the disease. Inform your treatment provider immediately if you have a history of cold sores, so you can be pretreated appropriately prior to procedure.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office at (905)-336-9624.